There are your parents standing by your side,
And all your favourite moments around in a room,
The portraits you admired, the food you loved,
The journal you always wanted,
Your little brother there all cheery,
All showcased in a beautiful little house,
Your house, as you always wanted,
With a calm all around,

And as you reach for it,
Somehow it all collapses into a crystal,
A small little enclosed one,
Out of your reach, it is all there,
But you cannot be part of it,

And then you have this another reality,
Most common for a lot of us,
Everything ordinarily normal,
Everything just the way it is,
With broken walls, to the punctured car,
To lost phone, to random people,
Random opinions, tough assignments,
To conflicting individuals, to a thread of hatred of opinions
To broken relationships to lost relations,
To every hardship you ever faced

But it’s your present,
It is a crystal that has fully grown over time,
With clear accessible boundaries, for you to get through,
The surroundings you could access,
You can actually be there, move around,
Feel things, whether sad or gloomy,

And explore every one of those emotions,
From laughing continuously till crying endlessly,
From focus to oblivion,
From being broken to crafting back small details each day,
For them to grow, to grow, with you being a part of them,
And now if that is not a privilege what else is!