in falling down ashes,

these tiny bits of pockets, Life, falling droplets, Instants of coherence, some connections, Continuing to move ahead,
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A friend, lost that day

Stories, stories lived through, once seen through someone else’s eyes, some true, might not be true, but a perspective which needs to be shared! Trigger Warning - death
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pain builds over days

Pain builds over days. It grows, one demeaning thing, another trauma, something else hurtful, and you find yourself to be a person who reacts abnormally to all amiable situations too.
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the person should respect her,

Broken people and faulty traditions sometimes create and give this superiority to a set of people over another, nothing made up here, all real life examples, stories heard and seen through some real eyes! It explores an acceptable behaviour in our society too difficult to accept but deep rooted within and around so many of us.
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Pain, a lot of discomfort, sweat, and induced unconsciousness,

This one kind of describes a state when being conflicted with few thoughts, newer ones. And trying to hide all the context from people who care, and all might cost for us to be lost, but if we could at all focus on as I prefer to call them - a few known, we might escape into normalcy again. Talking it all out and seeking help is the way ahead most of the time!
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That suffocation of being with someone

This thread of thoughts tears me apart each time I read it, but maybe it had to be said, written down somewhere.
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An unwanted touch, over the hand or even a tap on the shoulder,

However hard you try, sometimes life makes it difficult to trust people, to respect them, to believe them, to believe in the humanity beneath the soulless smiles. This poem here describes a feeling of discomfort associated with non-consensual touch, however insignificant, unintentional it might be, it is always associated with a residual pain and a helpless sadness.
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Yesterday while sitting there around the kitchen

This is about a thought once troubled me, and I believe you realise this is all fictional my poetry world, just trying to reflect upon deep-seated individualistic thought processes which I perceived and conceptualised into a poem. Tone - sad
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I have this feeling of free fall,

Category - Poetry, Mood - Sad/introspection
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Your normal is not everyone’s usual

Category: Poetry, Mood: Sad, Introspection
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