to be those soul persons

There are so many places, so many people, and so much love, we need to go live for, live through, meet and care for, maybe there is someone out there, somewhere, who would need you more, but right here, right now, is good as well! I don’t know what the future holds next, but I have a feeling, I have a feeling, I would love to keep these friendships, along with this feeling, these people in my poems, in my memories, in life wherever I go next.
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the kind of love

which is calm, which stands by you, which makes you feel enough, which helps you to heal and go back smile, laugh, cry and be yourself, you deserve the kind of love which holds you on days of grief, you deserve the kind of love which hugs you back,
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instances in life, existences

right there by the side, in front of the cart, the long lost hope, some new friends, a simple child smiling through the journey, warming your soul, strangers, even just for a bit this bit, showing you their love, care, and warmth, for moments, moments you need the most, sharing their grandma’s story,
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away from places

If you look closely, you will see a set of broken edges, and dust, some of these patches too wide apart to be kept, cared for, and bridged up. These scattered pieces of life, stories hurt, problems, insecurities, and loss. But then there is this grass, right in front of the window door, with a squirrel playing in the dirt or a sparrow flying, collecting twigs perhaps for its newborn baby.
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Dr Murthy

My favorite lines about her are, I like young people, they are good company, but they are pretty stupid and inefficient. And we just celebrated her 101 birthday :)!!
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are good for your soul

And I loved that reassurance from all around, with all the people I met, to stay kind, loving, and compassionate to the world. Because that is what is closer to your true nature.
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about sports, a universal connection

Or just the other day, if you find someone too intently looking at a screen ( okay, the field is too big for you to see everything on the small portable iPad screen ), and go there and ask them what is the score, mostly you will get a screen slightly turned towards you, for you to see the match properly.
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all festivals are that right

Or, as I realize now, it was this feeling of festivals, this feeling of something they loved, loved to celebrate, and had through each year.
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much left to learn, live through

too quick, slipping through the cracks, maybe on the whole I miss the past self, this present, this whole lively, lovely set of individuals, this present, is somehow not appreciated enough.
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a place to belong

Trying to find a way to localize, find a direction, find a way to belong, maybe in the loneliness of brazen streets at night, well lit but seemingly gazing into the eyes. Or maybe on the warm sunny rock benches, too harsh on the surface but pretty and comfortable to stay there and finish that lunch.
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are strangers but good kind ones

The lovely memorial, with green lights, a calming presence, right across the window. New stories, of being loved, of lost loves, lives, some knowns, new unknowns, sadness, joy, and their struggle through it all.
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meaning of surviving through suffering

The person we become as Viktor E. Frankl suggests is always dependent on the decisions we make. Spiritual freedom, the way we see suffering cannot be taken away.
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a story to tell

So, maybe, you could use it on yours, something going wrong, something falling completely out of place, is a sign of life trying to push you towards creating a dynamic beautiful life story for yourself.
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not about living this single day, irrespective

What if you knew this next moment would be the last one for you, or maybe this next day? Starting the day by reading obituaries gets you thinking about death as an undeniable truth. What if this day, this month, this year is the last one you would live? What would you do; what would an individual do?
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Bhabhu is a word used around here to refer to grandmas. And it is a story my grandma told about a random neighbour she once had who helped her navigate life when she was younger! It is a beautiful story, all the stories my grandma shares are lovely. But this one, about my grandma telling the warmth she found in a neighbour in a new place, was just so wholesome, and another person, I added to good people’s list!
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But in the kitchen, with the tea bags, the cups stored, and the warm bread smiles shared, a new beginning of a friendship cracked. And you feel seemingly closest to home, in this place you don’t belong and now don’t even live anymore.
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Why be alive instead?

I am not an expert. These are just individual thoughts. Just trigger warning, it is a philosophical thought about suicide is not a good enough alternative.
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some places are just too comfortable

This is the speech I gave in June 2020, during the virtual director’s tea party. This speech sort of marked the end of my four years at BITS Pilani. And I just love reading it sometimes, because so much is going on here! Maybe if you want, you can give it a read too!
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if I had eaten anything

Some people are just good irrespective of everything. Here is a story about a cool ( one of the good people ) person I met. We did not share a common language, but we still connected :)
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somewhere the same

Just one thought and analysing it made me look for the why behind finding similarities across vastly different geographical places and people :)
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He raised us all with love

I saw a little bit of him in each of the faces.
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Lifeless he fell down today,

Losing my Baba ( my grandfather ) feels like losing a root, losing someone who had helped me connect and live in this world. He loved us all a lot, and we loved him a lot. A few days back, while handing him over his soup, I saw him all calm and beautiful. His beard had grown, giving him a whitish glow. He passed away the day I wrote this, and I believe in this firmly, we all are part and parcels of God, and Baba is on his way ahead to meet the ultimate light, be free from pains and turmoils of this world.
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if I wanted to have a blog for my poems

Here is the story of how meet a set of complete strangers and how one of them helped me create this blog website!
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Last year around 15 July, I was not anywhere near home,

I wrote this one last year sometime in May, and it just reflects a state of mind, where there is calm amidst the chaos, for being there, being able to help and care for people you most would want to!
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Another trek, another story, good people,

so then we climbed up to this cool tower in the middle of the city in rain. It was serene, the entire city under our feet!
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Another trek, another story

So, remember the last trek :) ! Let’s go to another one!
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Going around campus - Saraswati Temple’s Roof

Going back is not an option, living through present fully is, through all the places and all the phases! Here is a three article long short series of me going around our Pilani campus and finding random ways to explore it all.

This is the third one of the series with a way to climb up the roof of Saraswati Temple.

The picture used here is clicked by Radio Control Club, BITS Pilani.

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Going around campus - Shiv Ganga

Going back is not an option, living through present fully is, through all the places and all the phases! Here is a three article long short series of me going around our Pilani campus and finding random ways to explore it all.

This is the second of the series with random ways to enter Shiv Ganga!

The picture used here is not clicked by me and now I don’t exactly remember how I got this picture in the first place.

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Going around campus - Clock Tower

Going back is not an option, living through present fully is, through all the places and all the phases! Here is a three article long short series of me going around our Pilani campus and finding random ways to explore it all.

This is the first of them where I found a not so correct way to reach the clock tower!

The picture used here is clicked by Radio-Control Club, BITS Pilani.

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A little bit of the original self

This is an uncomfortable thought about growing about how someone’s opinions, lives and their core of the identities are formed out of everything going around. Whether good or bad it is mostly, something too far away from our own nature so all these external experiences accumulate and it is far to late when we notice for them to start defining us. And this article is written in away to face that changed self and try to find ourselves in that mutated versions what constituents our identity.
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It is no fairy tale but it sort of is

Category - excerpt, Mood - happy; A small yet precious memory from a year ago!!
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