So many things to be grateful for,
Each day creeping into,
Across the memory vent,
Or just happening around you,
Right at this moment,

Maybe you have to be a little more awake,
And look around,

Someone you met years ago once,
Still remembers you,
On every Christmas and new years,
Sharing a picture of the season’s first snow,
And that of their newborn granddaughter,

Or remember that random book owner,
Who allowed you to print those copies once,
Or the librarian, who just gave you the book to read,
Or that guy at Kabab’s place,
Who cooked a new vegetarian recipe just for you,

Or remember,
How a character arc,
In that book,
Resembled with you so well,
And someone just pinged,
how they found you in their favourite read,

Or the doggo around your house,
Who sneaks in, and around the roof at night,
And who turned straight around,
And politely retracting steps,
Just not to scare you,

Or remember that stranger,
Who passed from that way twice,
And you asked him the same address again,
And this time, he dropped you right at the location,
Or the kind strangers who organized a treasure hunt,
Just so to celebrate your birthday,

Or and the list goes on,
So much more to be thankful for,
Each moment, each passing second,
And a myriad of things unfolding,
Right now, around you,
For you to be grateful for :)