This tiny part of my life is about hope,
About tears, and life held up close,
In these tiny droplets of salt, teary-eyed days,
Restraints, laughs, scary days and smiles,

This tiny bit of my life is about caged existences and not-known places,
It is about missed chances,
Opportunities taken and maybe also about things we have let go of,
It is about straightforward conversations,
Truths, admiration, maybe even adoration, it is about finding love,
For things, places, cities, lives, and ways of approaching it all,
maybe all at once or maybe each at a time,
This bit of my life is about hope,

About taking chances,
Reaching out and trying hard to live up to all these expectations, experiences,
about being there, through strained friendships,
Carefully kept relationships, it is about being there for those strands,
it is about carefully crafting these corners of your widely different existences,
into these corners, non-intersecting ways of living, and of being alive,
it is about that feeling, that feeling of belonging,

It is also about walking away, from a lost love,
from broken bonds whose edges might pierce your soul,
it is about moving ahead and finding places you feel wholly belong,
it is about being accepting of all these places
It is about claiming those places as my own, with full rigor, love, and all I have,

It is about owning that tiny piece of the sky, that tiny patch of the grass,
And that beautiful sunset, across that tiny pond,
This bit of my life is about being open,
To these new or redundant the experiences,
And look at them with all the awe, warmth, and wonder,
This tiny bit of my life is about naive positivity,
About being there, letting go, caring, smiling, pain,
Loss, grief, running away, running into,
It is about heartbreaks, crying your heart out days,
Through rains, cold winter days,
It is about learning to move ahead,
This tiny bit of my life is all about,
Looking ahead, to each of these days,
Scary, smiley, lovely, but owning up to every one of these instances!