There was a smile on my face,
I was giggling, I was able to sleep,
Everything was ordinary,
And yet I felt privileged for being able to laugh,
To be allowed to learn that random language,
Or prepare myself for mountains,

Days ago, if you would have told me,
I would be happy with this normal,
I would have said no,
I want this, and this and this and then that,

Imagine willing to move around,
And not being able to, being stuck to a bed.
Imagine trying to hug someone and now you cannot.

I don’t want this feeling to disappear,
And so I write it down here,
I am happy, people are still alive,
I can still move around, health is all fine,
I can run, walk and think,
I can write, I can eat too,

I know what stupid analogy it is,
But it is true!