There is a comfort in old,
A lot of backstories there,
You can just go sit there
And most the times meet the same old characters,
It is easier to get on with.
With each new thing happening,\ It is good to go sit there,
And just read through excerpts,
Through there phases,
And all of a sudden you are there again,
With each and every detail of theirs,
With each moment,
And it is an analysis, a feedback,
And it again starts to suffocate,
It is the only reason you left at first,
It was all too redundant.

New was and is now again,
Exciting,\ But it would be an effort,
There won’t be this familiarity,
This known,
This understanding of each moment,
And it won’t be predictable,
But it would be too much effort,
And now old seems not so much worse than the other.

It would be a choice probably hard enough,
Maybe in making the decision,
The transition will seem a struggle,
And in moments of stillness,
The new will be getting old,
And you would choose to age with it.