There are some people,
Who would stay,
Who curiously would be there for the days when you cry your heart out,
And when you grieve,
And who would have consolations always,

And these some people,
Are the people, who offer this support,
Care, or just a hug or lend an ear to listen to, or just a text,
On days it would seem missing,

And these some people,
Would be these unexpected, random ones,
With whom you would have assumed a complete disconnect,
Till whom you would think, surely we would drift apart,

And surprisingly they would stay,
Through deaths and years,
And days of sickness,
Surprising they would stay and keep you afloat,
Or days you would want to sink,
They would be there, infinite miles away,
Giving a helping hand,
An aid and much needed support,
Through your tears, all sad phases,
They would stay!