Rains and I share a bond, as already declared, across poems,
Verses, excerpts and a few other texts,
It is pretty much the only thing to gaze at to be honest,
It is raining, get all the clothes from outside,
And now of course electricity is gone, and
And if it stays, the rain,
Discharged phones, laptops had to be kept aside,
If at night, no light, so no more studies also possible,
So with everything lite, just going back to old ways,
Cook food until there is sun,
Finish eating it early too please,
So dark, so early,
Everyone out there at the brink of their roofs,
Saving themselves from getting drenched,
But letting some of the rain droplets, hug them,
And share the chill, cold and calm,
And if you are stuck somewhere in rains,
Worst of these instances, would be
Dark, away from home, and some mud and a wheel stuck,
Simpler ones, might be a shed, heavy rain and a period,
But maybe closer to home,
But still in the end, despite the inconveniences faced,
On a hot summer day, with sunny winds,
A breach of cold air, just a handful of these droplets,
Bring peace, joy, and especially around my home,
A sense of calm, with all the distractions dealt with,
Any more deadlines could not possibly be met,
Just the buzz of rains, water dropping off from roofs,
All dark outside, cloudy sky,
It is just us and the rains,
And every single of the echoes of lightning left!