Maybe the love is still there,
Just the way of saying it has changed!

Maybe the midnight talks have now been replaced,
by waking up the other one,
with the ever warm sweet cup of tea,
for the one who was awake till late for their daughter to study,

Maybe the roses are now replaced by the extra chocolates,
he brings for her along with their son’s candy,
Maybe the infinite words spoken promises made,
Are no longer required, silence stays,
Or is it owing to the recent fight they had,
Or is it the broken hearing aid,

Or maybe,
Is it not there? The love?

Has it disappeared in the between the helplessness,
Unable to carry diseased her in his arms as he used to earlier,
Or in ever-deteriorating ageing each other’s health,
Or ever fighting children’s cases,

But in beliefs of seeing her face first in the morning,
Or that longing of staying without each other for more than a few days,
Believe me, it is there,
Their love,
Maybe just the way to say it has changed!