The most I miss are those heart warming weird conversations,
Going out there to be those nice humans,
And meet some of those amazing ones in return,
But this on-going dread,
Has just left all of us avoiding each of the interactions, 
Even with people we know of, yes, having great people around is good, 
But I need to know a lot more, to appreciate humanity a little better,

I started going on these runs or walks every morning,
A lady would strike a conversation, somehow,
Despite me being in this hurry always,
Finish the run, get ready for work,
She herself is a busy lady, actually busier than I am,
I work with my laptop nine hours a day and she starts her day at 5 am,
With farms, cows and a whole lot of errands to run,
She remembers, and somehow finds a way to say hi, 

I guess in a way, she is one of the few new acquaintances I have made, 
I never talked a lot with her, but once when it was late,
Dark in the evening, with no street lights, and overhead trees forming a tunnel,
She stood there checking on me until I disappeared,
Hoping for me to get back home safely,
And the day next, asking me to be careful may be to go back home a little early,

I could make Maa agree with me, but with her I had to oblige, 
Head back straight home kiddo, she would say, it is already getting too dark, 
It was like having my back, which she would tell when my mother visits there, 
Also remember the farm, which means I get to have all the vegetables fresh,

After all she is just a new acquaintance I have made, maybe more like a friend, 
And with people like her around my runs, maybe still in ongoing pandemic, 
I have got a good chance of meeting these awesome people,
Everywhere, somewhere!