Someone to hug, and say it is all okay,
Would be great right? Someone you can clench whole,
With every hug and sleep tight,
Would be nice right,

To hold you sometimes, or someone just your own,
To be there for you, to listen to the random rant you had to make,
Someone cooking up meals,
And taking care of you when you are sick would be nice right?
Someone basically like home!

To have a place you would feel okay staying overnight,
Like grand ma’s remember, no packing clothes or toothbrushes,
No appointments, just go there and she will take care,
Sorting it all out in rains or with suns lasting blaze,

Someone to keep you afloat, on days you would miss lunches,
Someone to be there to put a smile on your face,

Or just listen or more simply just talk,
Talk like you have known them for years,
Sharing their first and their only love’s secret,

Or just have someone to tell it to your face,
That random worst decision of yours,

And some days you would find it,
This place, these people, this care,
And this random connection with some unknowns,
And suddenly, there in that lonely place, you would have a family,

A nostalgia, reminiscence, a part of them always there with you,
As it is the thing with these bits,
Maybe they will fade, maybe distances will grow deeper,
Maybe they would fall apart, maybe,

But also, as it is the thing with homes,
Maybe it will welcome you back as its own every time you visit again,
Maybe they will be changed, you will be changed,
With nothing anymore shared,
But maybe nostalgia loaded with information
Would be the rejuvenation you would share!