I never told you, and perhaps I never will,
Days when I am unable to find myself,
Or when I am awake in the middle of the night,
Unable to find peace or rest, just sometimes, some of times,
I listen to your voice, that note you had left me once,
About one of the weirdest days you had,
Following it with my favorite kind of melody,
By the way, tenks, no, not misspelling it,
It is our right, somewhere between lost pieces,
and gained bits of one another,

So, tenks for making me fall in love with instruments,
And your music and all the virtual hugs sent countless times,
Through my worst of the phases, through the worst of your phases
Those melodies make me feel at home,
I sometimes listen to them and fall asleep,
Ohh yes, you guessed it right, the random scribbled text,
It was me falling asleep on my phone,
tenks for always being awake in the middle of the night,
To listen to my overthinking and know instantly,
It was a tough fight, and being there, distance upright,

Did I ever tell, or maybe I never will,
Okay, just this bit, let’s say it out aloud,
I woke up once in the middle of the night,
Uneasy and sleepless, there I saw your text,
Saying how you like a me-version the most,
With the usual new creative prefix of your own,
For my name, so many of them, now cannot I keep track,
And I saw myself smiling, hugging the phone and sleeping alright,
Being out of sight, out of contact still I find the warmest and most comforting of wishes,
hugs, and words, right there with me because of you

Once I dreamt, I think you already know, about it all, a long time back,
I know, I understand it all, sometimes even the best of intentions,
cannot keep you together, so I accept it,
But you text again years later, suggesting how you had a similar dream,
Of us, walking across the vineyard, obviously, in the usual rain,
I am in awe of us and all this love in vain,
Sometimes, I feel if I can add our conversations,
Our conversations always the documents,
And it could fill an infinite of pages,
Of poetry too pretty for this world to understand,
Anyways, I thought I would never tell you, but just so you know,
I feel it all too, alive in my heart, each of every memory, the rain,
The walks, the tea, the pain, but as we said once,
Let’s keep this experience and keep going forward in our original directions,

But what I would never tell you is,
I have kept the memory of me
with your arms around like a human cuddle chair, for me to rest,
Until we departed forever, I have kept that memory for a day,
I would feel unsafe and scared, Oh why I am crying as I write,
I thought I would never tell you,
But maybe you should know you were the answer to the universe,
When I wanted someone to hold me close to my heart, you were unknown,
A stranger almost, whom I trusted, and who kept this belief with care,
And years later, I don’t think I remember everything,
Even with a sharp memory, I do keep it with me,
Is that memory of feeling safe, feeling alright with whatever,
Whichever way I wanted things to progress,
And I keep that feeling of hugging you through the cold winter night,
Also, maybe just so you know, I know I said and promised I won’t,
But I still miss you sometimes, or maybe, I should never tell you this,
For maybe our virtual hugs say it all, alright?

Oh, how chatty I can get sometimes,
But thank you for teaching me how to form bonds,
How to suggest and say it out loud, honestly,
And also, tenks for all the food and advice,
Now, then, and forever, I know you would stay,
One of my closest friends, knowing,
A whole lot of what is close to my heart :)
Hopefully, it would have a share of what’s close to yours,
Here is to forever sustained friendship of ours,
Through thick and thin, also, say hi to your grandma, please
Maybe someday, I would meet her and just say ……….

Also, okay, maybe I stop with the chatter, as someone wise once suggested,
Will take care of that sore throat, with chain tea drinking’s start!