A slight knock on the door,
Hey kiddo wake up, have tea,
You wake up, take the tea,
Sip it quick, and go back to slip,
So much for caffeine,
Sometimes, you pretend to drink it, and
Leave it on the side,

They know you must have fallen asleep,
Another round of tea,
So much patience, and love,
This is when you are all grown up,

Kiddo you, would get the lemon tea,
Your father would make tea for your mom,
Who was awake while you were studying late,
Wake her up, she would make the lemon tea,
And will wake you up,
Perfect synchronous coherent us,

Constructing so many tales, shielding you from their pain,
Happy mornings, pretending to be happy ones,
Laughing, smiling,
Just plain old love,

A still younger you,
Grand Paa,
Yes he was still younger,
He would wake you up,
And just once, if you were to say,
I don’t want to go to the school,

He would tap on the head,
Sleep sleep, nothing to worry,
Go back to sleep,
So much motivation required,
To be awake,

Since as far as I remember,
Teas, love, laughter, and smiles,
Slight knocks, warmth,
Gently welcoming you back into the sunny world outside!