Walking away, running away, from everything at hand, 
Just for an instance, a little farther up to the train station,
Leaving behind everything you loved,
Just because of that one added change,
Maybe an added responsibility,
Being left alone, with everything moving ahead,
Everyone going up to newer places,
Leaving you behind, all alone,
In a place that you still love probably,
Enjoy too, but with added work, effort,
Not a whole lot of heart left, to go through,
Go through it all, feeling trapped, helpless,

You decide to walk away,
Leaving behind the care, the love, and everything else,
Everything, still there, almost intact,
But you approach a turning point,
And you turn, projecting a view of all that is left behind,
You turn back maybe,
Maybe not,

For the former choice,
I recall one possible instance, you continue the walk,
Everything unchanged, everything the same,
Too many duties left to be settled,
Unconscious though, a sudden flicker,
And you reach out and protect each and everything along,
Taking the side over the blind turn,
And maybe realising, the importance,
Liveliness and everything crucial right there,
Making you stay, be there through it all,
And that is why everyone always says,
Give it some time, it will all be alright soon :)!!