I feel things, to their fullest,
I think a lot, observe,
Rethink, ideate,
And find a way around things a lot,
I feel miserable for being not so good to people,
I love, when I do something good,
And the whole world seems to be rewarding me,
And I feel ridiculed, when in my heart,
I know I did a bit of wrong there,
Or I was not kind enough,

And before you say,
It is okay to have those days,
When you are not able to listen, help others,
No, I am not talking about those days,
On all those days, you would know,
You would accept that you cannot help anyone else,

But I am talking about those lost days in denial,
You won’t realize the problem,
You won’t accept for you to be in need,
Maybe you are not, or you are,

Have a dialogue,

So now if you know the reason,
If you know your heart,
And if you choose not to help,
You would know,
those assurances, to be better saved for you,
And if you opt to help,
You would know you have the strength to be there,

Because some of the days,
I would love for you to take a break,
And not feel bad for not being there,
It is alright,
But also, I would love for you to have the courage,
To be there for others whenever
Your heart truly wants you to be there!
You know to avoid regrets :)