Life is too small for us to be realistic,
It is even smaller to write and engrain them forever,
All those memories which haunt you,
Or hurt you,

Why not just keep it aside, all those moments,
Just to watch your little sister play with hammock turned into swing,
With that cushion turned comfortable base,
Why not just linger around Grand Maa and talk to her till she is deep asleep,
Or just sit there with her,
cutting vegetables and talking about so many things she has to share,

Why not just sit under the stars,
And listen to all the blabber your little brother has to make,
Why not just try appreciating your brother’s weird cooking tastes or
Make conversations with the one who is never worried about his food,
And keeps running to solve countless things he has to deal with,

Or why not just spend some time reading about cool random imaginative project,
The kiddo brother wants you to build,
Or why not just keep it basic, help him repair his cycle,
Why not try becoming the confidant your mom never had,
Or just try to help your dad,
Blend into newer set of technological rules,

Reality is harsh, more complicated and intricate,
However, harsh it might be for you, for someone else is harsher,
So yes, you have the right be sad,
To be worried, to share it with others,

But always remember you have all these moments to hold on to,
Maybe therapy is just around you,
Look for all those moments which help you wake up every day,
All those random smiles, chuckles, chases
Which make up to the best day you would have,
And just try to make it better for whomever you can,
It helps :)