Growing up I had these people, a group of friends, sort of sometimes, 
My brothers, all younger than me, kiddos, but mostly acting old, 
Too much effort I would call them for it to be, to be my brothers, 
I was the eldest one and always all the random decisions I would make, 

Sneaking out of the school to visit a friend, living far away
And these stupid people, will stay silent beside the rocks far away, 
Spying all the details, conveying them right back home, 
In mischiefs we would be together and in fights certainly so, 
Too many scars, broken legs and back to being friends, in a matter seconds, 

Once we cycled through end of farmlands and thought of a few stunts, 
Remember it was quite far away from home, so we make a turn, fast and steep, 
Just a slight missed detail, a little mistake and I turn without applying brakes, 
There I fall, with too many cries, I just get up, leaving the cycle behind,
To be carried on by my brother, two cycles a whole lot of distance,
I just walk straight away and obviously he carried them both back home, 

Another time I went to this office,
And stood speechless with everything going around so wrong, 
And there my brother enters, sorting it all out somehow,
Quickly so just that I would stop crying, 
And mostly believing me, whether wrong or right, letting me decide, 
Spending his first pay-check to buy a ticket for my intern’s flight, 
And hoping for me to be right there in the sight,
Pretending to be the elder one again, 
But I have known him long enough to notice the sad eyes, 

Once I would not finish an assignment due in four days,
And there he would stand by, 
With a note and whole of motivation speeches later,
I would finish it a lot earlier, 
I never did anything, just had to make a little sad face, 
And most of the times, all my instructions would be met, 
I would get the food I wanted to made,
With all the random chais I wanted to taste,

So much trouble I would cause, 
And these people would always still never give up on me, 
Keeping me, still their eldest kiddo sister!