I know right!!
So, many things left to be done,
Need to build my own house,
For me, a space which echoes with my spirit, my values,
Somewhere, into the forest, around a river,
Near the mountains, In front of those grasslands,
With an infinite supply of paper, and pencils,
A place for me being me,
A place for me to write and re-write again,

And also,
Need to be that geek once again,
Spending infinite time in the lab,
Re-working experiments for the tenth time,
Or pacing off around the building to get those wires,
And maybe this time it would all work,
And I would go home,
And have buttermilk soup, the usual,
And sitting there, sipping the hundredth different green tea’s variety,
Wait, would I be still at tea? Seems like it :)
Till I am too tired to write that email,
And I would sleep off,

Maybe my work-home will have a balcony too,
From where you can see the kids play,
And a treehouse and a room for the baby to live,
How about adopting a kid,
I hope I would be strong and independent enough till then,
To be a single Mom, I can only wish and prepare,
And grow each day,

Also, do not let me forget all those solo trips left to be made,
To the mountains, teaching kids by the side,
And cycling through those terrains,
Meeting all those cute kids and a lot of cuddles,

Oh did I mention the random strangers,
However, bad it might be for you till then,
Please, please remember to recount on all those hugs and kisses,
That group of old people gave you,
And just go meet them all, because someone once said,
You never know, one of them or the other,
Could end up changing your life!!