He never remembers his birthday,
When is it again?
Even for the report cards,
It had to be searched and researched all around,
I know why not just ask someone,
Because mostly except him nobody remembered,

But it is your birthday why would you not celebrate it, right!

But yeah okay it was with a lot of things,
From small little things like,
Skipped meals for the whole day,
Or eating up every single vegetable cooked up that day,
To be there for every one of the neighbour,
In their emergencies, with them through their hospital visits,
Funerals to every single event, being there always,
Taking care of them, and most of the times forgetting a lot of the little things,
That we usually say do matter,

But do they?

When you are trying to figure out a way to earn at seventeen,
Supporting your family, and managing the college at the same time,
Living in that small rented house of yours,
Trying to cope up with lost childhood friendships and relocation,

Maybe they did not,
Or later they did?

Maybe till then, it was all too habitual, maybe too superficial,
Or was it all normal around your time,

Just last year, he celebrated his birthday for the first time at fifty-three,
Yes, maybe he did like birthdays,
Maybe there were responsibilities every time superseding celebration,
Suggesting rather forcing him to have this privilege,
Having this showoff of celebrating his own birthday.
And that smile suggested it all,
He did love celebrating it!