Growing up, relationships around me seemed perfect,
Little I had known about the world, about love,
Or so I used to think,
I have never loved anyone before,
What if I fall for someone else, then for someone else,
Never being able to keep loving the same person over the years,
As you are able to do?
What if you got the chance to escape, to be with someone else,
Don’t you find other men attractive,
Not even for once in all these 23 years?
Ohh it’s not nearly perfect your marriage,
So much carelessness, so many differences,
This is not how I want it to be, and
It is scary, I don’t know love,
Commitments are too scary to make.

And there she sat,
Elaborating how I have been in love with her for years,
Will, I just replace her because someone else’s mom is prettier,
Or if she is a better cook,
No, never, she is of course, not the most perfect person I know,
But she is love, I have loved her for all these years,
I still find her to be the prettiest one, and the cutest too,
I would always appreciate other people,
But will never forgo her for someone else,
Because she is the most perfect one for this,
And there she elaborates,
When you find this warmth, this love for someone,
You won’t ever think of replacing them,
There would be problems, fights, clashes,
but you would stick through it all together,
Because there is just one space for one such person,
One person, you would love, truly love,
For who they are, for what they are,
And most of the time they would be irreplaceable by anyone else,

Scared I ask, are you sure I will feel this way for someone ever,
And there she assures, it will happen and I will just know when it does,
Maybe she is right, finding your soulmate won’t mean dancing together each night,
But it would be much more than that, loving each other through worst of phases,
And some days, you would want to quit, to just leave,
But at the end of the day, they would be irreplaceable and
You would stay, you would want to stay.