Crying till you fall asleep, so many of the days,
What has transitioned into a routine,
Recently for some reason,
Consecutive days, nights, and some time noons too,
Crying to sleep, waking up all drained,

Refrain from telling anyone,
Or more so no one to share,
Never accepting this though,
Telling the therapist,
Yes yes lot of your friends to share,
To keep your secrets,

And yet some days, of the random friendships forged,
Over the years, multiple people, so many contacts,
But no one to call, no one who you could tell,
They already know, maybe in a way,
They already know you as the failure,

Broken bonds, falling apart marriages,
Monotonicity, parents being treated unfair,
Too abusive people,
And you in all rationality,
Choosing not to see it all, not to believe it,
Keeping that perfect image alive,

With each passing day, feeling like constraint in a chain,
From which you cannot break free,
And the problem is, you have seen the open wide blue sky,
You have loved people, saved lives,
Led people, crafted bonds,

However, slowly you lie there,
Watching all of this break into pieces, ashes, particles,
Staying alone, unhappy,
Sad, miserable,

Trying to find the courage you once had to escape this reality,
Yet again,
How did you fall back into the trap,
Back from where you had started,
You were lucky enough to escape for the first time,
Would you be able to escape again?
Do you still have that courage left?

Sometimes you cry for help,
But nobody is there to listen,
Maybe after a while,
You accepted the false pretense,
Being alright, telling everyone you were alright,
But when truly you were not near fine,

And now same cycle continues,

But you are extraordinary, when you are you,
No one else can help you be you,
Support helps, guidance might work,
But you know deep down,
All of this, all of it,
You can just correct,
And only you will have to,
Like you did several infinite times earlier!

So can you collect the strength you have left,
Just for the last time,
And start believing in the extraordinary,
Irrespective of this present confounded perception,
Can you clear it all out to see,
The same lively, lovely existence of yours :)!!