That believe in living every moment, to make very best of it,
You know, like every day passed and you have a ton of stories to tell,
Each day, so many things to be explained, done, worked upon,
That there are no highs left, each day is a new one, something great to be done,

Just wake up really early, get started with it,
And continue, till you are exhausted,
Till everything else has slowed down,
But somewhere, you still had that another work to be finished,
No, rest is not allowed, you work, you run around,
Until you fall asleep, right there on the couch,
Yeah okay a proper sleep schedule is fine too,

Never stop getting better, yeah be your awesome self please,
But also maybe try growing up each day, into a better version,

You know like going back to the dorm and have infinite stories to tell,
Each messed up meeting, the new strangers you just befriended,
The kid you just met, the old lady you just smiled at,
Or the new place to sit, you just found today,
Interact with, intersect into lives,
A little positively please, and find some time aside from the chaos,
To walk alone, be there with you and your thoughts,
And getting better at being happy with just you around,

Also, not finding these awesome days, stories and instances,
To tell, a few of the times that is fine too,
Have gloomy days, dark, sad ones, but still have stories to tell,
You know like just describing the day, find something, as awesome as you,
Hey, maybe this made you smile, can you keep it for the story of today,
Even for a instant you met your smiley self,
And now work on your awesome self right from here!

No nostalgia, present is so much better,
With every single day passed, creating a completely new one,
A crazier one is suggested, always !