Cold winter nights, isolated, deserted,
Difficult to survive,
Strong winds, isolated barren corners,
Closed shops, far far from people,

Strangely soon,
Beautifully decorated warm lightened pathways,
Festivity enough?
Warmth too,
House seems to be homes to families,
To humans,
Warm, loving, beautiful,

Amidst the fog, the snowfall,
Still the cold,
A warmth of people,
Merry-go rounds, lights,
Cookies, candies,
The worry of selecting the right gifts,
Is it still Christmassy enough?

Somewhere people celebrating the festival,
The way you wanted to celebrate the entire life,
The one you used to, with all the family around,
The streets all lightened up,
Gifts exchanged
And those cold houses,
Peculiarly enough,
Starting to warm up, feeling like family,
Like a home, where you could stay!

And a feeling of warmth,
Why worry about others and their realities,
Would you ever trade this,
Be earnest, honest,
For anything less than you, yourself?
Letting go your essence, all the life’s lessons,
And still feel contented, accepted?

Now is the best, and you are the best!
And if it not, I hope you have some family around,
To navigate through this worst,
Make a way towards upward descents!