In entirety, in itself, this would be a good place to be,
Why you would choose to stay around this,
With some of your knowns, waking up next to them,
These friendships, these bonds, these knowns,
With not entirely so perfect of a fairy tale,
Just lay there, in that imperfect world,
With so much chaos, so much love, and warmth,
Waking up next to these people, who would turn off your alarms,
Adjusting the temperature, just for you not to wake up,
And it felt in all possibility, why would you, how you could just choose,
To stay there, be there, and give up, the rest of it,

But then, thinking of the journey to be made,
Compulsorily, logically, reasoned to be made,
Going ahead, flying away, from a place,
You would feel loved and cared for,
Into this vast unknown, no known places to stay,
And this place, not much like known,

For the longest time, a feeling of just,
Crying it all out, what, where, and how,
But then, there was hope,
The usual naive positivity again,
Off to a new adventure, off to a start,
Some strangers, some knowns,
Almost no sleep, a few days travel, and
Finally feeling settled, or at least having a place close to home,

There are too many good people,
Left for to be friends with, to know, to understand,
To live with, to see the world from their perspectives,
Their shades, their colours, their ways of living life with, spending time with,
Having an anecdote to tell about days, homes, people,
Each new day, each new place,
A few friends, a few acquaintances, some acquaintances.
Spending each day with people who inspire you,
Motivate you to become good, better people,
Become, and look for all the goodness around,
Learn to grow, and the people at whom you look,
Just feel overwhelmed with a feeling of gratitude,
Learning to be kinder, better and lovelier each day,
Feeling safe and creating a world much safer for everyone around!