The problem is your normal is not everyone’s usual,
Why is she still not married, she is already in her early thirties,
Why she abuses so much, why has she dated so many guys,
Why has she slept with everyone she knows, why is she still single,
Why is she so overweight,
Ohh kiddo you are losing so many of your hairs,
Try doing this, and a hundred other remedies which probably won’t work.

You were raised with parents who loved you, with food right around the corner,
You were not abused when your parents were not at home,
You were not serving food to others since when you were ten,
With every wish taken as an order, with never a hand raised over,
You were not someone, never allowed to speak or not to take any of your decisions,
Or just stopped from stepping out of the house,
Or were traumatized with others projecting their failures.

And these people with everything they have faced,
Still, they have to be normal right?

Yes, but it would be their version of normal,
At times too emotional, at times too distant,
With sudden mood changes, sometimes mean comments,
They will try to hide their own normal,
Because it would be so different than that of people around,
And you would still judge them by your normal,
Too rude to her parents, I love mine,
So many boyfriends she has,
Probably that’s what she seeks,
In each of her relationships, someone to accept her version of the story,
She does not even talk to boys,
Because probably that is what she was taught back home.

People change, people learn,
But it all starts if we accept them,
With their version of the story, with the way they are,
Because beneath all these hardened layers, there is a beat,
A soft beat, waiting to be approved, be accepted
The difficult mood, bad choices and chaotic options,
Are just a reflection of what they have been through,
Why let a judgement based on your past, affect someone’s present.