Yesterday while sitting there around the kitchen,
I listened to someone, someone who has stayed around here,
For a long time, longer than the time my studies started,
Longer than the time I first moved out,
And when I look back, I see a person with a perspective so broad,
A heart so clear and pure,
With a mind to absorb new changes and new people so easily.

And then there I listened to his story of no job, after so many months,
At first I wondered what could be wrong,
The language, the technicalities or what?
We talked, I inquired but all in vain and then,
Right there, someone came to shut off the door,
Maybe the spices were hurting her nose.

And this person got furious, I don’t know why,
A lot of back story I still don’t know maybe,
And he started sharing his miseries again,
But while today I sit here at my desk,
Trying to focus on my work one line echoed back
“He slept with her for four days and left her”
And that laugh on his face with these words,
I still can see that mean smile.

And now I know the reason why?
To grow, to move ahead,
Or just to be there with peace,
I guess you would always need a pure heart,
And that warmth for the culture, for the people,
Among whom you want to be accepted so badly.

Maybe rejecting ideas is okay,
But respecting the place, the culture which has given you a new life,
Is it not the bare minimum?
It still aches my heart,
And maybe that is missing somewhere there in him.