She was thinking once, what would she want most,
In someone whom she would love to spend my her life with,

And she started making a list, a list of things, there should be,
It started with - the person should respect her,

But then she stopped,
And thought won’t it be too much to ask for,

For the examples she had witnessed,
Irrespective of whether,
She earned money or would just be at home,
Managing a household does not count of course,
In bad or the worst phases, sure, he can yell at her right,
An occasional cursing, is fine too,
Hurting her parents, never respecting her side of the family,
Is almost always normal,

At least he would respect her on most of the days,
When everything is going perfectly fine,
And on not so perfect days, she should be there right,
To support her husband, through thick and thin,
And by that we mean, to listen,
And be patient to all the hands he wanted to raise,
He did not at least slapped her right,
And he was so guilty after that,

Hey wait, without guilt is also fine,
As the other example seen earlier,
If he loves you, he can beat you,
Basically he owns you and your life,

But you know he would still respect you in some ways,
On some of the rare beautiful days,
When everything is going fine,
Yes sure, depending on if you are following the drawn line,
Talk to them, do not talk to them,
Eat this, wear this,
As long as days are pretty and chains are constrained enough,
You would be fine, loved and respected,

So, maybe settling for one of these is perfect,
“The person should respect you” versions would be fine,
Like everyone else did,
For the convoluted accepted abuse disguised as respect,
What else would you ever need?!