That suffocation of being with someone, forced to be with someone, and
Every time he is there trying to kiss you,
Can you remove that picture of people suffocating you, forcing you,
Torturing you, violating you, and basic humanity,
Was it not difficult to not to tell anything at home,
Hide all those scars and your torn soul,
Was it not weird to pretend to be happy when you were dying inside,

And why was this your fault, you loved someone,
And he used you, he deceived you, your soul,
He blinded you to meet him there, only to your misery,
There were his friends too,
And after abusing you, they just left you there at the hospital,
Kind enough to call your parents,

Was it not difficult for your parents to ask you to be quiet,
Was it not scary enough for everyone to call you at fault,
Was it not sad even more only to realise probably if you even tried to punish them,
But how would you, your father is already on the verge of a death bed,
Your brother is as irresponsible as he can be,
And the only sane member of your family is your Mom who is probably already tired,
And is just living for the sake of it,

But is it not dying every day,
Realising you could not do anything,
He cheated you, they took away every shred of clothing and self-respect you had,
They tore you into pieces,
No, it was just not sex,
It was about cruelty, it was forcing you to have sex with those unknown men,
It was about realising, the guy you loved, and believed to be the one,
Turning into a monster, pimping you to his friends,
It was not even about the physical pain of someone invading you,
It was about the helplessness of not being able to do anything,
And living with it,

Living with those memories, and pretending to not to care,
It is about all those silences, from where every part of you screams to get away,
Every part of you demands justice, and scream it out,
And then there are silences, do not tell anyone,
Is it not easy for others for you to pretend everything is perfect,
You can do this for people who raised you right?
You just have to be a living corpse, and submit to someone’s desires,
It is simple right? For that was for what you were conditioned to for centuries, right?