Water stream, edges, flat surfaces,
Weeds, plants, broken piercing edges,
tangled paths, no directions,
No one, climb up ahead,
Or run, walk back down,
Somehow escape, stay awake,
A hand, some help,
To be guided, never having met,
Never meeting them again,

these tiny bits of pockets,
Life, falling droplets,
Instants of coherence, some connections,
Continuing to move ahead,

If any or if at all any hope,
Any residue or glimmers,
Even if brittle, in falling down ashes,
In afternoons, breathes,
If any, if any hope at all,
In these leftover connections,
Burnt pieces, the remaining bits,
colluding into the air, into lives,

Interacting, waving, forcing, moving,
In this new direction,
Broken glasses, easy to just fall through,
Concrete surfaces, soft leafy bed,
Maybe a bit moist with the rain,
Just inert, one with the ground,
Growing up meeting the sky,
Baseless ambition, falling apart,
Dried up, back to the ashes