On days

Will take a pause and breath, and have a walk around the mountains, Maybe climb up, sit there, and have our usual tea, On days, It would be calm, dark, winter days, with too many worries fading in and out, We would sit there in the garden, picking up the mint leaves, Ensuring we help each other through all the tears shed,
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the old niwar bed

And we had so many stories to share, The new friend we made, the homework not done,
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Happy mornings, pretending to be happy ones, Laughing, smiling, Just plain old love,
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By the river edge

The air seemed to fly along with you, travelling along the waves, around in this cold yet warm, winds, water, and some slippery rocks, reflecting the sunshine.
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about home is,

They have already accepted you, And now momentary consequences Won’t change this love, That is what I love about home,
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