If you love someone, you let them go,
If you love them, if truly love them with all your heart,
You let them be, be the person, world, life, and places they want to be with,
You let them be, be themselves,
If you love someone, you are happy when they are happy,
And it might not be with you, but you are content,
That they are cheery, hoping they might find the love they seek,
In someone else, they find their peace,

If they truly loved and cared for you, they would stay,
If you truly love someone, you let them go,
If they truly loved you, they would stay,
And if they don’t, it is better to let them go,
Let them live their life, let them be in the world they deserve,

If you truly love someone, you would be happy,
When they would smile and be with someone who they truly love,
I know it hurts, but as I heard somewhere,
That is the best part of it, this hurt, this care, this sadness,
Meant you truly felt something for someone,
To have these feelings, this love, this care,
This longing, this is the best bit of love,

A sure sure sign of your care,
This longing which makes you scared about losing them,
Losing their sight, losing contact,
But it is also a sign that you can feel things,
You can love others with all your might,
Maybe not with this person, but with someone else it might

I know, however hard it seems now, remember you underestimate your capability to heal,
You would love again, someone with all your heart,
But just give it some time to feel this grief,
For it is the death of a relationship, the existence of someone you imagined your forever,
But believe in grief heals with time, slowly, hopefully it would hurt a bit less,
Hopefully, it would get a lot easier,

Hopefully, they find peace, love and comfort,
Hopefully, you find yours!