The next breath you are awarded,
is a privilege,
the next moment,
One another of the days, granted to you,
to live,
is a privilege,
How often just taken for granted,
Every bite of food,
Little milk, tea,
and your most loathed vegetable soup,
all of it is a privilege,

For you are allowed one more breath,
You are allowed one more day,
To eat, walk, sleep, wake up,
And you know, to live,

All of this, this present,
Might not sometimes transition into a possible future,
Existence of yours,
Just moments later is uncertain,
And yet, here you are,
Making a lifetime of plans,
When in reality, all you have is the present,

With your existence lost,
Somewhere down the line,
In the next day, week or year,
And suddenly nothing will matter,
The money saved up, the new clothes bought,
The accumulated wealth, fights, or relationships,
Except for an ever fainting memory,

So what I say is harsh, but it is true,
Irrespective of whatever you might do,
You will fade, and so will the memories of you,
It won’t matter,
To be honest, it never does,
It is you who has given this immense importance and infinite self-belief,
Suddenly it would all cease to exist,
And you won’t matter,

But do you realize how beautiful,
This present is, you are alive,
You have a chance to breathe,
To toil, to work hard, and to sleep,
To live,

How do you want to spend this moment right now,
If it were the last one in your account
Or rather it might be the last one,
Are you clean enough, healthy enough,
Have you been kind enough?
Good enough for the world?
Clear enough on the purpose of your life,
let alone moving towards fulfilling it?