Work was finished, and around these dull evenings, mostly, after working hours would mean isolated dark roads, cold wind, and silence. Pretty much everything which is sleep inducing. But I had a good friend from around this time, who loved music. There was this Jazz music around there in the city. About a few stations away, and Jazz music sounds so cool when you hear about it. I had never heard of it before, so I joined it.

So, the thing to know about my friend is, she loves to play music, and she understands all these notes. But I was as far away as it was possible from music.

But over the years, music without words started to make sense, partly because of all these musician friends who would record their tunes, and send it over.

So, tonight jazz music near my hostel made so much more sense. It is summer, windy, lovely cool windy summer. It was with a lively crowd, and somehow, when the words stopped, all the tunes, all the composed music made a lot of sense. I could see through that day, when I sat through getting bored of the music tones and so many instruments being played! This time music made so much more sense, it made sense for people to listen to it, and you know just be mesmerized and smile. It made sense for the musicians to be so much focussed into whatever they were playing.

Just a connecting thread, so easy it is to translate from one bit to another! Years ago, the cold snowy roads, the harsh wind, and a friend forcing you to go into a music place! Years later, the music translated the far away, unknown summer evening, into once lived before, lovely, living memory of a known somewhere!

Just when someone pinged ( all good texts are from parents ), the best music to be able to hear out your heart, follow it, hear it beat, and be alive with you!