Good things are not simple, are not easy,
Everything is supposed to, was supposed to take time,
That friendship you rely on,
Remember the years it took to be built,
Being roommates, being friends,
Being strangers, being far away from each other,
Living together, sharing all the secrets,
To move away from each other again,
Infinite of these separations, cycles,
Suffering, good days, bad phases,
Not being there, being suffocated,
Not being alive days,
To be there, on happy days,
Sad days, loving days, and every one of the other days,
And it takes time,

All good things, all separations,
All of your close relationships take time,
All best friends were made over the years,
All care, warmth, that feeling of knowing,
Took years, and days of being for each other,
Shared memories, worries, vulnerabilities, experiences,

And yes, it is simple to fall for you know each other,
Just after two days of interaction, and someone loves you,
You know, the classic fairy tales, but,
Good things take time, remember,
Find their why’s, find your why
Sure sure, I will give it a break,
Continue, live, form bonds, trust people,
But build experiences, build that bond to rely on,
First yourself, and for others,

And sometimes, it is simple,
A few days, just a few the days are enough,
Other times, entire lifetimes won’t work,
The question is, at your core, do you feel it to be good enough,
Don’t ignore that thought, that thought you had that day,
Lying there in the dark, with a strong voice in the heart,
You don’t have to be there, don’t ignore that voice,
Leave the place then and there, and move ahead,
Into your usual normal world, where you never feel out of place,
Towards the people, who are good for you,
As I prefer people who nourish your soul,
People who meet once a year, but that bonds feel like that a forever,
Every time you fall into that overthought phase,
Not being able to breathe or stop crying,
You try to find connections, these new people,
New bonds, but they are too feeble,
To handle you, your grief, or the creeping anxiety,

You close your eyes, and you go back to the known,
Lying there on the grass, looking at the stars,
Go back to some of your knowns,
Who would just listen, who have been there,
Who you know will be there,
Preserve these,

I know they are too far from you to be there,
You try to find them, but they are too far often,
You want them to be there, and the pain amplifies,
Of course not the fault of present these new knowns,
Too new to understand you, hopefully not too shallow to even try,

But you fight through,
Or just fall asleep through a few hours of crying,
Somehow so tiring,
But you grow with it, all right?
Or at least learn to value,
People who love you, not the normal usual love,
People who love you for the whole person you are,
With all their heart,
That usual wholesome love of theirs,
Through sad phases, through happy phases,
People who look at you and smile,
People around whom you don’t feel incomplete,
Or even a bit left out,
So many broken pieces of us all,
Keep the people who accept the broken edges,
And make you feel whole, even if it is just for that moment,
You have to heal yourself, sure, of course,
But keep these people, who accept you,
Love you for no other reason than you,
And try to be compassionate and loving for someone else,
If you can!