It is all slipping away, yes, no, not the usual time. But you, you are moving towards a stream, along with a heavy flow, downhill, and suddenly there would be a high fall. And you would fall, freely for that moment, and I don’t know, will you continue to fly or will you stop somewhere along the way? Will you stop for a while, find another flow, another stream, another river? Or will it be rock bottom? It will strike you hard, and all this illusion will fade, and you will fade along with it. You don’t see the next turn. You’re floating, amidst this stream of water, relatively at rest. But not at rest, and little of you wears down along the way. You wear down along the way, like sand, mixing, and becoming one with the current of water. And with each wave hitting you, you are losing a bit of yourself, yes initially some rocks, helped you build, build this present you. But away from the base, from these rocks, you would be left with cold waves of water, forever trying to assimilate you into themselves. Each moment, a bit of gained memory, a bit of that rock you once found all of it taken away from you. So, it is all wearing down, flowing, moving somewhere, losing bits of yourself. Diminishing, staggering, almost not all complete, still you won’t realize, for it is once gone, it assimilates so well with water around you, you cannot ever differentiate, between a piece of yourself and the whole of this vast blue around you.

But maybe it is an ocean instead. Yes, you are still at rest, irrespective of the tides, much more huge waves around, but still all relative, so relatively at rest. You move along with the waves rising and staying afloat. At least trying to stay afloat, and suddenly, some wave takes you, takes up a whole lot of you, and you seem to intermix, you seem to feel this wave, this water, this tide surrounding you, to be you. Maybe you try and reach out and ask if you could stay forever with no differences left. Just join water in its journey above the sea. You decide to rise along with it, to the sky, or to stay along with the reefs, deep underneath. Losing all of your identity at once, all of your memories, and all of you at once. And be one with this flow, no rest, no individuality, no marking, no evidence of you.