Wearing this half-shouldered sweater,
Walking freely on a cold night,

I felt burdened, suddenly out of nowhere,
Just the thought of,
Papa bearing this weight on his shoulders,
Not just of this sweater,
But of everything, from home,
To be a parent for his brothers,
Who were just a few years younger,
Overwhelmed me,

Waking up at 4 am,
Attending the university,
Starting up his business in the evenings,
Not so good finances,
Uprooted childhood home to another village,
Lost friendships, cold nights,
His bike and somewhere this sweater,
And fearless he, standing there strong,

And suddenly I feel a little lighter,
As he joins me in the walk,
And suggests,
You are my courageous kid, and
In his eyes,
I see confidence, and faith,
Enough for me to shrug off the worry,
And believe, be unconcerned,
And move ahead,

Shifting some of his burdens from his shoulders to mine,
Fearlessly, under the blue sky,
I see faith in his eyes translate to mine,
Giving me hope to live, and explore,
Gain experiences, learn new things
And comfortably so with all the responsibilities,
With this sweater protecting me,
And with these duties helping me,
To always draw the line!