What if you knew this next moment would be the last one for you, or maybe this next day? Starting the day by reading obituaries gets you thinking about death as an undeniable truth. What if this day, this month, this year is the last one you would live? What would you do; what would an individual do? Life is not about living this single day, irrespective of what the future holds. If you just had this present day, you might do a few random things, absurd ones maybe, which would not make sense at all, if you were alive the day next. However, there is uncertainty. It might be your last day, but might as well not be the last one! 

The solution is simple - you live each day trying to optimize your happiness today. But you know, just in case, you have got more than this present day to live, you live and cultivate a set of sustainable possibilities for you to go ahead, and live it peacefully, maybe happily too :) To live it like today is your last day, but find a way for you to live the next one with equal ease, hopefulness and love :) 

Maybe that is why everyone you know is working towards a better tomorrow because there is a possibility that you are granted one more day, and you would not want to waste your chances of making it a little better. Even maybe finding ways for it to be happier. Yes, a little bit of you, and a part of this present happiness it might take, but it would sow for you, better results in future.

It would essentially leave us with two kinds of people. Both have an equal uncertainty about this next moment/day/future. Either they go ahead, give away some of their present, build/cultivate a happier next for themselves and other connected ones, like their family. But the caveat here is that if this “self” ceases to exist, this cultivated world of theirs will too. 

Instead, an alternative could be to try to live this present, trying to create, yes, of course, a better next for you. But also ensure, try to help make it better for others. Yes, it might take away from some of your present, and it might or might not directly contribute to “your next”. But it would help cultivate a better future for others, so now there is a sustainable, more diversified investment of your present, which will exist, even if this “you” this self of you might cease to exist. And this ecosystem will then, if you are alive, help you make your future much happier than that investment in just the self would have ever done. The bonus here is even if you are not there, this ecosystem will nurture the people you care about. Not a bad deal! 

So, maybe that is the complete answer to the initial question. If today might be the last day of an individual’s life, trying to add a few things which make them truly happy  and taking some time to invest in the future. And along with these, maybe sparing some time to make it a little better for someone else seemed to be an ideal way to go ahead!