There are some instances in life, where we forget all of the outside existences, around us, where all this external cease to exist, into a one coalesce of familiar known, lost somewhere along the ways, over the travel across places, the lost warmth, care, and love, broken into bits, the whole trust, and broken souls, across vast greens, beautiful warm clean window frames, plants, a few seeds, unrest, and caring people, warm hugs and some knowns, no connections at all, sleepless, just trying to be there for you, knowns for a day, friends like a lost eternity ago, being there, have tea, and this rice, and here is a whole lot of the life stories, inspiring, loving ones, giving up plans, to make sure you are alright, trying to help standup for you, making sure you are alright, not leaving you alone, sleeping across the floor, the couch, just to be nearby, good byes, usually spent by sleeping across, an old ritual, and a normal for you, and this new unknown, you met just yesterday, trying to be there for you, with care, warmth, and whole lot of love in their eyes, making sure you are safe. Places, lives, a few of our people, like family, with nowhere to go, with so many places to be, to go, too many people to be with, some places of solace, some strangers long known, now lost, found, cared, and loved meeting them back, these knowns, in these vast unknown lands away from home, smiling, being there, making you feel alright. Some new unknowns, feeling out of place, should be out of place right, but them openings their hearts, mending the bit of trust lost in people, giving chances, constraining ways to live, carefully crafting the next steps, but in these lows, chances, in these crestfallen moments, people, lifting you up through the worst days, lifting you up, making you smile, right when it is too difficult to be there, to keep going through, mostly, most of the times, right there by the side, in front of the cart, the long lost hope, some new friends, a simple child smiling through the journey, warming your soul, strangers, even just for a bit this bit, showing you their love, care, and warmth, for moments, moments you need the most, sharing their grandma’s story, to fighting who should you sleep with today maa or grandma, caring, loving, always being there for each other, living through you some of the eyes, giving up so much just for you, for you happiness, these new found love for all the old, love back home, and this respect for these people, some of these new knowns, cooking up meals, buying your favorite icecreams, giving away free food, saving up something to drink, walks, oiled hair, like a old lost connection, time seems to not matter much, like a few knowns, lost, found sleeping across, why did we go on to do all that we had to do, if it meant moving away, from each other, from this comfort, but as someone wise suggested, there are too many good people for you to not move on and meet them all, of course always keep the ones you have close, but give chances, talk with strangers, crash that evening brunch with those random faces, learn all the weird phases, volunteer for those kids, listen to one another sad stories, be there, selflessly for everyone around, be there, be a bit kinder, livier, and accepting for all the edges, rough ones, flawless ones, be accepting to smooth trajectories, be ready for the rough ones, be happy, smiley, and hopefully as I prefer to call it, the usual naively positive always :)!