It was a Saturday evening and as usual, there was the weekend despair. You see life is no fairy tale but it sort of is for some people, having people to care and love you I guess would qualify for one. During this particular phase, I had good people around but something was missing. Remember that granda maa’s love and hugs, that was missing! And at this point, I really needed someone my own to just find me here, somehow, from somewhere out of the blue.

Coming back to the evening, I decided to randomly go out on a trek, see the problem was it was raining and halfway through the trek it got dark and my phone’s battery was about to die. So, I decided to climb back down. I really wanted to climb up but okay I was scared and rationally I climbed down. It was a small station with not a lot of people around. I was being careful about walking alone at night. I continued and suddenly heard voices of people laughing but I could not see them. I thought it was best to go ahead quickly and sit in the train right!

So, I did that, the train would take time to start. I found out those people also boarding the train. I could hear them speak in a language I did not understand a word of, but their happiness was infectious. I laughed along with them and they started talking with me in a common language. They were having this reunion of 55 years of friendship I guess. They all went to school in first grade together. They were like another fairy tale which I wanted to be part of. They had so much history, but that’s the thing with these old relationships. They have so much context that when a new person is around, instead of feeling left out, you would feel the warmth of their bonds. They made me laugh just like some knowns. I was just in awe of them, and I was just glad having met these awesomely cute people. We boarded the next train together until they left for their station, and while leaving there were so many hugs, grand maa hugs. I felt I found the warmth I was looking for!