Since we have now established how much of not so fond of I was of people. Let’s move toward the next stop. So, once I was going around campus of course in the first semester. And I see this beautiful garden and I go near the doors and I find them to be locked. I am planning to go back to Meera when I notice Mali Kaka telling me kiddo, students are not allowed to visit there.

But it was so beautiful. Why not?

And then I try to ask him how can someone go there? I noticed there were a few guests coming over and a lot of work going on. So, while guard uncle was busy with some work, Mali Kaka helped me sneak in and visit all around.

But wait it was a garden, it should not be this hard to sneak in, I thought later. So, over the years, I found all the different pathways to visit it. I used to go and just sit there for a while whenever it all became overwhelming. One of the ways was to climb above the adjoining Saraswati temple’s walls, another one was from adjoining park, where teachers were allowed to enter for the walks. This going around places randomly for no reason, once helped me do a really good thing.

I was hosting a walk around the campus for a batch of people who were visiting campus after 50 years. But the administration won’t give the permissions for them to visit Shiv Ganga. I tried a lot of negotiations but it was all last minute. So, I took all of these people around the park and via this sideways from the park’s entrance to see Shiv Ganga. They were so happy to see the place they used to go swimming years ago. Although I felt bad for not being able to help them see it in an easier way, I felt kind of satisfied that they did not miss looking back at a place they were so fond of.

More simpler approaches to visit there were to ask for permission and enter via the front door or alternatively of course, crash a wedding :) which I figured out some time later.