Did you ever notice that the temple has a sort of a door above its ceiling which leads into the middle chamber of the roof to the part between the dome and ceiling visible to our eyes. 

So, it was the initial few weeks and they were all strange people around. And I was the same, still. I used to climb all the walls of my house using the little bricks left on the sides of its newly constructed floor. Once I was visiting Saraswati Temple and I thought why use the stairs? Why can I just not climb up directly by the side wall? So, I did, it had just rained that day, a good climb and good weather two of my favourite things together. 

One other time while praying, I was going around the circular corridor circumscribing the main idol, there around 135 degrees, I noticed this sort of a little square door, mostly it was an opening into the internal chamber between the ceiling and the dome we would see outside. Of course, I went straight and confirmed with the Priest there who joked and said ya go ahead kid, if you can reach the ceiling sure, see the roof. The problem is that I am not just good at understanding sarcasm so instead of assuming it as a permission to go ahead, it climbed up the ceiling and tried to open this door. It was jammed. I went ahead and asked the priest about it and he was like okay so you actually reached the ceiling and quite elaborately explained to me this time - he was not serious earlier. He suggested this internal chamber would be opened once a year and now it would just have pigeon dead bodies. So, I forgo this thought. 

Although the priest suggested an alternative, I could go over to the dome’s roof when they would do the annual cleaning over the dome using ropes. This stays as a regret since I could never go because I was always somewhere away from campus around this time of the year.

But of course after this initial interaction, I had made a new acquaintance in this strange campus who was an acquaintance of Saraswati Mata herself which seemed like a good deal to me. And of course it got me a new nickname and an anecdote which Pandit Ji ( the priest ) never forgot - the crazy kid who could climb up the temple ceiling!