Remember one of those things which you see and feel how can it be true? It was NAB slope for me, a sliding pathway into Rotunda. And my first instinct was you can never go there and it is just there to be seen. At a later time I was looking at it all. The trees around the academic block, the Saraswati temple, Rotunda and everything under my feet ahead of me. It was serene and pretty beautiful.

I was standing somewhere from where I could see the bells of the clock tower. But how did I even reach there :)? Let me start from the beginning.

I was in my first semester of university and was going around campus. And the introvert I was back then, it mostly meant roaming around the buildings instead of talking with people and interacting with seniors. So one such evening, I thought, won’t it be great if I could go up the clock tower and see how it looked from above? And of course you need research. So I went around FD 2 and saw a man, standing outside an office building. I went there and asked him how someone could reach the roof of the Clock Tower. And of course he tells me students are not allowed to. And this information, I blissfully ignore. So, I tell him that I am a new kid there and I just want to see how it would look from up there.

Fast forward I get a call from the same person that the door is opened to clock tower’s roof. Turns out, for cleaning one of the two doors to the clock tower would be opened. Of course I was quite eager to go up there and had pre-planned this, him calling me when the doors were opened.

One was from the director’s office and another one was from a corridor opened mostly when the tanks on the roof were to be cleaned. I had this technical writing assignment in around an hour but of course a lot of time. I don’t remember what I did in the assignment but I went up there and then with a small ladder up above near the bell. And it was just beautiful or the view from there was love ( ekdum pyaar hi ).

While coming back I mistakenly climbed down the director’s office route but I realised it on time and safely reached the dorm. I did not share this with a lot of people because you see the rumour that it is restricted to go up there.

Now when I look back I realise maybe the universe knew there won’t be any psenti semester for me and so I did whatever final year students were doing in my first semester only :).