These walls, with a beautiful tinge of warm sunlight. There is this semi-circular arc, with these concentric windows opening into a garden, with a beetle flying around, sunlight reflected from leaves, with these branches falling off like vines trying to go along with the wind, simultaneously touching the sky. There is a statue there in the middle of the garden, with it shown falling over the tree. There is an edge, a small muddy patch leading to a small door into the outside. There are faces of people with their memories all around.

Okay, maybe observations start to flow in when you go away from places.

If you look closely, you will see a set of broken edges, and dust, some of these patches too wide apart to be kept, cared for, and bridged up. These scattered pieces of life, stories hurt, problems, insecurities, and loss. But then there is this grass, right in front of the window door, with a squirrel playing in the dirt or a sparrow flying, collecting twigs perhaps for its newborn baby. There is mud, dry grass, but also orange on one of the trees. There is fog, but there are rains, water droplets falling straight into the vastness of your heart, through your eyes, making you feel a bit scared, drenched, and also winds, forcing into your heart, into your life, and with leaves floating around there in the sky, seemingly trivial, but still so beautiful, like a dance, a performance of nature, just for you!

Similar to all of us, along these tree edges, going into so many diverse directions, different paths, along the wind, along the water, along a new horizon. But there is something beautiful in this transcendental connection, with all these leaves, all of us living together for a while and continuing ahead in some random scattered directions. There is something beautiful in sharing meals, spaces, a house, hopefully, a home for some, something pretty about these silences, unexplored people, and if you are lucky understanding the depths, the stories, the whys for each one of our existences, and just detaching, and moving ahead, just like all these leaves, falling off, flying off to there new existences.

But there is a connection; a beautiful connection; being built looking at each one of us grow into our weird kind of pretty, with peculiar habits, stresses, and ways to deal with it all, morphing our realities each day into something unpredictable and hopefully awesome. Listening to a stranger’s story, living with a bunch of people you might never get to meet, understand or be with again, just this momentary connection, this freedom and empathy in so many of the eyes, you were crying, someone helped you, and some times, carefully saving the tears to be there for someone else who might need it a bit more! Trying to be there for each other, slowly beginning to be the reason why someone might feel belonged, noticing, understanding bits of life, making this house a bit safer, a bit closer to home!