Okay, so I was coming back from the waterfalls and I am on a train to my town in Esslingen. My shoes are all soaked up in rain and my sweater has dried up a little. On the train, I saw a group of students. I instantly recognised one of them was from Japan, of course I did not know any Japanese, but staying at all these places made me understand the sound of it. And then these girls started talking in English and I was like Yay :)!!

You see, in the trains mostly everyone would be speaking in languages I won’t understand and I was so happy listening to their conversation which I understood for the first time. So, I just started talking with them. They were going on a trip to Strasbourg, remember the one where I lost my passport :/!! (link cited at the end ) So, we started talking with so many topics in common, especially with the girl from Japan. I asked them where they were heading and they were going to another city to have dinner and explore a bit. I anyway had to find food myself so I decided to join them. I skipped my station and they were getting down at the next station. We wandered around the city, and then decided to eat something. And they all had so high hopes from me when we decided to go eat at an Indian restaurant. You see the problem is, I eat daal-roti every single time, so they were completely disappointed with me not being able to help them with any of their food choices but the lassi suggestion they loved! Then their local German friend showed up and she took us around the city. We went to this bank vault which turned into a sort of dancing place where there were of course people so then we climbed up to this cool tower in the middle of the city in rain. It was serene, the entire city under our feet! These were a pretty cool bunch of people I met out of blue!

Coming back, I got down at my station. It was midnight but the bus to my home would come in around one hour. And now I needed something warm to drink, you see, winter, rains and cold, not a really great combination. But no coffee shop was open and I went to this Kebab place. I asked them about any coffee place open, of course they said there was none. But they were again good people, they asked me not to worry. They had these coffee ingredients for their own use and they just made a cup of coffee for me :)!!

Read more about the losing passport story here - https://shrutilifejourneys.blogspot.com/